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收录时间:2022-09-08 11:07:55


英 [ləˈɡuːnə]美 [ləˈɡuːnə]
  • n. 小池;小湖;(Laguna)<美>拉古纳人;拉古纳语
  • n. (Laguna)(西)拉古纳(人名)

laguna 常用句子

1.04/04/11 Laguna Beach, California – Warren Buffett is a smart guy. Warren Buffett is a rich guy.

2011年4月4日,加利福尼亚,拉古纳海滩 ---沃伦巴菲特是聪明的,他也是富有的。

2.This luxury Laguna Beach hotel sits right on the ocean and offers breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean.


3.Such as the sun island, Paradise island, Laguna island and dream island.


4.She is quite adept at shooting fireballs at her enemies, and has also mastered more powerful spells like the Dragon Slave and the Laguna Blade.


5.I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead.


6."Honestly, 10 years ago it was still a bit taboo, " said Melani Mari, owner of Bare Skin Studio in Laguna Hills, Calif.

“说实话,十年前脱毛都有点儿是禁忌,”梅拉尼•马利说。 她在美国加州的拉古纳岗开了一家皮肤护理工作室。

7.With 1,600 members, Laguna del Sol, near Sacramento, California, is among the largest nudist resorts in the country, Schuttauf said.
