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收录时间:2022-08-20 09:44:25


英 [lʌf]美 [lʌf]
  • n. 船首弯曲部;逆风航行;纵帆前缘
  • vt. 将船首朝上风
  • vi. 转船首迎风行驶;驶出上风
  • n. (Luff)人名;(英)勒夫;(德)卢夫
[ 复数 luffs 第三人称单数 luffs 现在分词 luffing 过去式 luffed 过去分词 luffed ]

luff 常用句子

1.The technique was applied to a simulated model of a boom crane slewing at a constant luff Angle while reeling in the cable and linearized around the payload equilibrium position.


2.The technique was applied to a simulated model of a boom crane slewing at a constant luff Angle while reeling in the cable and linearized around the payload equilibrium position.


3.He omitted at least two key safety devices, namely the nose cone which prevents the sail from deforming in the wind, and the luff lines which prevent uncontrollable dives.


4.KINGPOST - vertical strut on top of glider that supports negative rigging and luff line systems.


5.The wind is too strong, we shall have to luff up.


6.No heavy leading edge causing the kite to luff.


7.Noun: the luff is the leading edge of a sail.


8."Luff, you lubber," cried an Irish voice that was Smee's; "here's the rock."
