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收录时间:2022-09-07 09:38:00


英 [ˈzɪɡəræt]美 [ˈzɪɡəræt]
  • n. 古代亚述及巴比伦之金字形神塔

ziggurat 常用句子

1.Meanwhile, the owner, George Koril, kept busy constructing a fresh ziggurat of shawarma, layering slabs of thinly sliced raw beef onto a vertical spit capped by a ripe tomato.

同时,店主George Koril还忙着做一个新的shawarma,用切得薄薄的牛肉刺身一层层叠加,然后在顶部放一个成熟的番茄。

2.Meanwhile, the owner, George Koril, kept busy constructing a fresh ziggurat of shawarma, layering slabs of thinly sliced raw beef onto a vertical spit capped by a ripe tomato.

同时,店主George Koril还忙着做一个新的shawarma,用切得薄薄的牛肉刺身一层层叠加,然后在顶部放一个成熟的番茄。

3.But the Tamil Nadu House, a ziggurat-shaped concrete building where this 18-table restaurant is located, is nowhere near the warm waters of the Bay of Bengal.

泰米尔·拿度餐厅(TamilNadu House),一幢金字塔神庙形状的混凝土建筑,这家拥有18个餐桌的餐厅就坐落于此,在孟加拉贝的河岸旁这种建筑物随处可见。

4.The peak of the great mountain is found here, topped by a giant ziggurat that ascends even higher.


5.Symmetrical intricate lines that breaks the monolithic outlook of the "ziggurat" perimeter walls.


6.The seventh layer of Mount Celestia can be reached only by climbing the ziggurat.


7.The most impressive monument of his reign was the ziggurat at Ur.


8.We think he went off north to the Wailing Ziggurat.


9.Only the king and priests could enter a ziggurat.

