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收录时间:2022-09-06 12:39:44


英 [suːˈpreməsɪst;sjuːˈpreməsɪst美 [suːˈpreməsɪst;sjuːˈpreməsɪst
  • n. 至上主义者
  • adj. 至上主义者的
[ 复数 supremacists ]

supremacist 常用短语

white supremacist白人至上主义者

supremacist 同根词



supremely 至上地;崇高地


supremacy 霸权;至高无上;主权;最高地位

supremacist 常用句子

1.Roof explains that the Martin case inspired him to seek out more information online, where other white supremacist groups helped educate him about racial conflict in the United States.


2.But not all white supremacist leaders are mindful of their actions or care to be.


3.Stop making false statements you bunch of racist white supremacist ignorant rebushblicans. Question?Why are some of you blaming Obama for the two wars started by Bush?


4.The vast majority of these groups promote white supremacist beliefs, and range from skinheads living in urban areas to the KKK, which is based largely in rural Settings.


5.The artwork is inspired by the aesthetics of Supremacist and Constructivism, to present pure intension of the composition using shapes and forms.


6.Federal authorities said the gunman was an 88-year-old Maryland man, James von Brunn, who has a history of making white supremacist and anti-Semitic statements, notably on his Web site.

联邦调查部门说,这名持枪者名叫冯布伦(Jamesvon Brunn),来自美国马里兰州,今年88岁。他有宣扬白人至上主义和反犹主义的历史,特别是在他的网站上。

7.Lawrence Brewer, a member of a white-supremacist gang convicted of dragging a black man to death behind a pick-up truck in 1998, died in Texas.

白人至上主义团伙成员劳伦斯·布鲁尔(Lawrence Brewer)在德克萨斯州被处决,他被控于1998年用轻运货车拖曳一黑人致其死亡。

8.His ads direct listeners to a website run by David Duke, a white supremacist and former Republican legislator.


9.Last year, after a white supremacist murdered nine black churchgoers in South Carolina, Haley supported a decision by legislators to remove the Confederate flag from the state house.
