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收录时间:2022-09-05 13:39:17


英 [maɪˈəʊsɪs]美 [maɪˈəʊsɪs]
  • n. [细胞] 减数分裂;[遗][细胞] 成熟分裂
[ 复数 meioses ]

meiosis 常用句子

1.Our experiments identified that miR-34c may promote meiosis process by interacting with Nanos2 leading up-regulation of Stra8 in mouse spermatogonial stem cells.

我们的实验证实,在老鼠精原干细胞中,miR-34c通过与Nanos2+相互作用可能促 进减数分裂导致 Stra8 的上调。

2.When microspore mother cell preparing meiosis, abundant calcium precipitates appeared in cytoplasm of tapetal cells and microspore mother cells, and in callus wall surrounding the cells.


3.The main reason of abnormal meiosis of PMC are the complicated cytological reaction of recipient after exogenous DNA introduced into recipient chromoses.


4.This means that homologous chromosomes failed to pair together during meiosis and chromosomes formed fewer crossovers, i. e. sites where they recombine, during the initial stages of meiosis.


5.Failure has often struck at the stage of meiosis, a type of cell division during which paired chromosomes swap DNA and the number of chromosomes per cell is halved.


6.Radically normal meiosis occur- red in Y-PMC_s.

Y 型不育系的小孢子发生过程基本正常。

7.The heterozygote genotypes in F2 population in this type of species are different from those in general species in which the genetic recombination occurs in meiosis of both male and female.


8.Synapsis (pairing) the association of homologous chromosomes during the prophase stage of meiosis that leads to the production of a haploid number of bivalents.
