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收录时间:2022-09-05 12:22:15


英 [ʌnˈmiːdɪeɪtɪd]美 [ʌnˈmiːdɪeɪtɪd]
  • adj. 无中介的;未经调停的

unmediated 常用句子

1.The reaction of groups and individuals, often through the Internet, also provides a striking illustration of the emergence of true public opinion in China, unmediated by the official press or censors.


2.The reaction of groups and individuals, often through the Internet, also provides a striking illustration of the emergence of true public opinion in China, unmediated by the official press or censors.


3.It's meant to get at the more direct connection between the people on either side of a transaction, unmediated by a big faceless company, but "peer economy" is misleading in two ways.


4.This paper analyzes the reason, necessity and possibility of implementing unmediated document delivery service, and presents some suggestions on how to implement the service.


5.The splitting of destinations to form pre- and post-mediated parts ensures that a mediated destination has the same quality of service as an unmediated destination.


6.The use of the spoken language, even though it was formalized, made possible the immediate expression of an unmediated vision that needed no further context ;

即使它是拘泥于形式,口语的运用使对无中介的异像产生直接体验成为可能,无需要更进一步的推论; 因此抒情诗较为简略,激烈的人情化和精确。

7.So that even a text like the Decalogue, which is represented as being the unmediated word of God, can appear in more than one version.


8.These images, spread via social media, unmediated, confirm that the people making them are still alive - in that moment, anyway.


9.Hypertext links create a branching or network structure that permits direct, unmediated jumps to related information.
